Ok this is the biggest topic that comes up nearly every time I talk to someone. 50% of the people like the "lemon drop candy" smell and the other people like the "lemon rind" smell. And the people that choose the oils that smell off, with some chemical smell, they almost always choose the sweeter smell. I believe if people are acidic and addicted to cooked foods they always like one type over the other and I saw this in my reviews.

The most popular lemon oil that nearly everyone says they like this lemon oil the best is almost always the lemon drop candy smell. When I go to raw food restaurants and find raw foodists, they like the complete opposite. Different lemon oils are steamed and some are done with centrifugal extraction. Depending on if someone is diffusing the oils or using it in other ways, one way will usually be preferred. The viscosity can be different depending on the way the oil was extracted so if someone wants a lower cluster size to fill up the room more, then getting an oil that was extracted best for that application is what I would use.

I strongly urge people to try several samples of different types of lemon oils. I will never tell someone that this brand or that brand is better. I can't always tell if someone is going to like a milder or sharper oil or if a candier or rindier smell they would like best. If you want to review different lemon oils and give me feedback I will send you some samples. Please let me know on my contact page if you just want to review the oils or you want to share your reviews for other people to review. Contact me here.

All Lemon oils are free
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Call me now if you want to do a lemon oil review. I will provide Free Young Living doTerra, or Ameo samples.

All Lemon oils are free
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Call me now if you want to do a lemon oil review. I will provide Free Young Living doTerra, or Ameo samples.

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