Lemon Essential oil smells:

Limonene is what makes the lemon have the lemon aroma that everyone looks for right when they smell a lemon essential oil. Some oils have more limonene and others ahve less. I don't look for which one have more or less. When the limonene has been denatured more, the smell of that constituent changes, along with the other constituents.

The way the lemons were harvested and the mineral richness of the soil, this affects how much limonene and other constituents are in the oil. The stronger bonds they have the more it can ressist denaturing in the distillation process. The more sun the oil has can affect the bonds in the oil. The lemons grown in doors that people distill I've smelled always has that lemon-like aroma. It's missing the sun, the natural growing conditions.

Some lemon oils are too potent while other people prefer a more milder aroma. I don't always use one lemon oil brand. Sometimes I like to fill up the room  with my diffuser on high but want to saturate the entire room but don't want it overpowering, so I don't use my super potent favorite oil.

If I know what people are wanting to do with their lemon essential oils I can make a better recommendation. Take my quiz and I will help you choose the oil based on your answers. Let me know if you want samples.

All Lemon oils are free
Call me now if you want to do a review.
Call me now if you want to do a lemon oil review. I will provide Free Young Living doTerra, or Ameo samples.

All Lemon oils are free
Call me now if you want to do a review.
Call me now if you want to do a lemon oil review. I will provide Free Young Living doTerra, or Ameo samples.

The main site is MyessentialOilReview.com