How does each brand of lemon essential oil diffuse in each type of diffuser?
Some lemon oils are able to fill up the room quicker than others based on their cluster size. Thinner oils can be from a variety of factors. A thicker or thinner lemon oil doesn't mean it's better or worse. Some are distilled longer or with higher heat and have less fluence while others are thinner and vaperize faster and release the oils into the room at a smaller micron rate. (Note: I don't use my zpe stickers to lower the cluster size of the oil to make up for a bunk oil). I do this to make the oil more absorbable in the air. Oils that are hydrophobic can become more hydrophilic. Many people drink lots of water but always thirsty. Same thing. Their body is not like a sponge and they are just peeing it out and not absorbing the water.

​Some oils are thinner or thicker and have been cooked more with higher heat. These are those cheapest oils in the stores. Putting those lemon oils in a diffuser just makes a big yellow mess. Another way to tell if the lemon oil has more fluence is to diffuse the lemon oil in very warm room. A hot room gives the oil that much more fluence. It's kinda like a hot garage. The stentch of the garbage is much stronger if that same garbage is in a hot garage than a cold garage in the winter.

​Many diffusers use up so much oil and I personally believe that some dealers recommend these high micron diffusers because they will use up twice as much oil and people will re order twice as much. I try to use less oil and break it down more so the oil can be more hydrophilic and the oils will seperate and not be all stuck together and not stay in the air. The high fluence diffusers might give off a denser aroma. My bottles last twice as long and I use about half the oil that most people use that use these diffusers that just waiste their oil.

I strongly recommend infusing the oils if using a cheaper diffuser. Or better yet, diffusing the entire diffuser and never having to diffuse the actual oil each time. You only have to do it once as it is permanent.
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